Looking for shipping and customs documents? We have them all right here.

Customs brokerage is largely very challenging in various countries based on the customs regulations. The most important aspect in successfully customs cleared any commodities is a well prepared documentation with right the informations. Our customs broker team is experienced and confident when talking of customs harmonisation, clearing and verifications for any import & export.



Declaration to be submitted by a Citizen /Non-Citizen claiming Duty and VAT exemption on Personal and
Household Effects under Items E8 and E9 of Part II to the First Schedule of the Customs Tariff Act.


Undertaking and Declaration to be submitted by a Passenger claiming Duty and VAT exemptions on
household & personal effects under Item E9 of Part II to the First Schedule of the Customs Tariff Act 1969

Diaspora Certificate House hold and Personal Effects

Application/Declaration form to be filled by in by a member of the Mauritian Diaspora who has
been issued with a registration certificate by the Board of Investment (BOI)

Form Returning Citizen

Declaration form to be filled in by a returning citizen of Mauritius claiming duty concession on a motor vehicle or
motor cycle under Item 3 of Part 1A of the First Schedule to the Excise Act